Triple-X Workers' Solidarity Association of B.C.



• Our Aims
• Who can
• How to
• Privacy
• Sign-Up

Triple-X Needs You!

Join Triple-X

In order to join Triple-X, you must be currently doing Triple-X work (adult entertainment and health enhancement).

Triple-X work involves sexual stimulation which may or may not involve physical contact. Triple-X workers include escorts, erotic massage workers, prostitutes, exotic dancers, phone sex workers, and pornography performers.


Triple-X Workers stand together:

  • for fair wages and minimum rates
  • against laws and regulations that discriminate against us
  • to ensure regulations treat us with validity, fairness and respect
  • against unprotected sexual contact in our workplace
  • to play an active role in British Columbia's response to our work including public health, municipal regulation, and workplace safety
  • against abuse, exploitation and harassment of all workers.

Who can join Triple-X

You can become a member of the Triple-x Workers Solidarity Association of B.C. if:

  • you have agreed to the direct exchange of sexual stimulation for financial compensation within the last six months and you intend to continue to work in the Triple-X industry; and
  • you consider yourself to be a Triple-X worker; and
  • you have sufficient Triple-X work experience in the judgement of the membership committee; and
  • you agree to abide by the Constitution and bylaws of the Triple-X Workers' Solidarity Association of British Columbia; and
  • you are 18 years of age or older.

Sign me up!

To apply for Triple-X membership you must be nominated by a Triple-X member in good standing. If you do not know any members of Triple-X you can apply to the membership committee, contact us for information.

  1. Read the Triple-X Aims and sign the membership card.
  2. Provide the name of your nominator and have her or him sign the card.
  3. Pay the dues.

Privacy Policy

Collection of this information is required by the association bylaws. Your personal information will be kept private in accordance with the B.C. Personal Information Protection Act. Triple-X will not share your personal information with anyone without your consent. You can review your personal information on request.

Last modified: June 3, 2013
Created: November 16, 2012
© 2011-2012 TRIPLE-X.ORG