Triple-X Workers' Solidarity Association of B.C.



• Announcement
• Speaker 37
• CUP Letter
• Presenters
• History

Triple-X History

Groups who presented to Council
(26 organizations)

List of organizations that made presentations:

  • Aboriginal Front Door (2 presentations)
  • Aboriginal Life in Vancouver Enhancement
  • Aboriginal Women's Action Network
  • Asian Women's Coalition
  • Battered Women's Support Services
  • B.C. Coalition of Experiential Communities
  • Children of the Streets Society
  • Collingwood Community Policing Centre
  • Collingwood Neighbourhood House
  • Committee to Unite Prostitutes
  • Ending Violence Association of B.C.
  • Exploited Voices now Educating (EVE)
  • FIRST (Feminists Advocating for Rights and Equality for Sex Workers)
  • Hastings Business Improvement Association
  • Linwood House Ministries
  • Living In Community (2 presentations)
  • PACE Society
  • PEERS Vancouver
  • Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity (REED) (2 presentations)
  • Servants Vancouver
  • Tenth Alliance Church (2 presentations)
  • Union Gospel Mission
  • Urban Promise
  • Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre Society
  • WISH Drop-In Centre Society
  • YRC/Youth Unlimited

There were also 15 presentations by persons who did not speak on behalf of an organization.

Last modified: November 27, 2012
Created: November 21, 2012